
 2021-04-12 10:04

摘 要





Design of wastewater treatment for chemical industry park in Yancheng City


In China, with the rapid development of economy, the industry is developing rapidly, while the pollution of eco environment is increasing day by day.. In order to protect the environment that we live in, more and more Industrial Zone sewage treatment is the standard discharge. So we need to build more sewage treatment plant for industrial park.. In recent years, the number of large-scale sewage treatment plant construction has decreased, while the District, industrial parks and other small and medium sewage plants are more and more. How to do well in small sewage treatment plant, especially small sewage plant, is a problem of many experts and technicians in recent years.

The various industrial enterprises in Yancheng City Chemical Industrial Park before processing industrial wastewater (COD dropped to below 1000mg / L), sewage collected, unified processing, to the urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard "(GB18918-2002) level a standard before it is discharged into the Sun River. This design according to the local environment and water features, from the functional requirements, operation stability, maintenance management of the degree of difficulty of the treatment process scheme selection, through technical and economic comprehensive treatment process and consider to raw water in the presence of a large number of industrial wastewater, difficult to be degraded, so in the process be special consideration. Due to the industrial wastewater in the factory has after pretreatment of industrial enterprises, so in the primary sedimentation tank in the precipitation efficiency is higher for the inclined tube sedimentation tank, and on the choice of the aeration tank directly using the traditional plug flow aeration tank, secondary sedimentation tank with radial flow sedimentation tank. Consider to sludge on the park environment influence is bigger, and the park to produce less sludge, so only on excess sludge by dewatering machine process preliminary treatment, and then made into the mud cake car towed away.

The design is based on the preliminary design of the project feasibility study, and the design parameters, the layout of the process, the layout of the main structures, the model and the parameters of the equipment are determined.

Key words: Industrial Park sewage treatment plant;Industrial wastewater;Push current activated sludge process;Inclined tube sedimentation tank;Radial flow sedimentation tank


1. 处理工艺流程比较选择 1

1.1合理确定建设规模 1

1.2工业园区的污水处理厂的工艺选择要求 1

1.3处理工艺中主要处理构筑物的比较 1

1.4科学的进行工艺方案比较基本原则 3

1.5处理工艺选择 3

1.5.1格栅 3

1.5.2初沉池 5

1.5.3曝气池 7

1.5.4二次沉淀池 10

2格栅的选择与设计计算 11

2.1格栅的基本资料 11

2.1.1格栅的分类 11

2.1.2格栅的工艺参数 11

2.1.3格栅设计要求 12

2.2格栅的选择 13

2.3格栅的计算 13

3初次沉淀池的选择与设计计算 15

3.1初沉池(斜管式)的设计要求 15

3.2初次沉淀池的选择 15

3.3初次沉淀池的设计计算 15

4曝气池的选择与设计计算 20

4.1曝气池的选择 20

4.2处理程度的计算及参数选用 20

4.2.1 曝气池容积(采用污泥负荷法)计算 20

4.2.2池体结构设计 22

4.2.3曝气系统的设计计算 23

5二次沉淀池的选择与设计计算 27

5.1二次沉淀池的设计要求 27

5.2二次沉淀池的选择 27

5.3二次沉淀池的设计计算 28

5.3.1.池体设计 28

5.3.2 二沉池的刮泥吸泥机水力计算 29

5.3.3 二沉池进水部分设计 31

5.3.4 出水部分设计 31

6污泥处理构筑物的设计计算 32

6.1污泥处理的目的与处理方法 32

6.1.1 污泥处理的目的 32

6.1.2污泥浓缩池设计 33

6.1.3贮泥池 36

6.2污泥脱水 37

6.2.1概述 37

6.3机械脱水前的加药 38

6.4污泥管渠集中计算 39

7平面布置与高程布置 41

7.1平面布置 41

7.1.1布置原则 41

7.1.2构筑物 41

7.2高程布置 43

7.2.1布置原则 44

7.2.2高程计算 45

8构筑物与设备参数 46

8.1 主要构筑物参数 46

8.2主要设备参数 47

结 论 48

致 谢 49

参考文献: 50

附 录 51

  1. 处理工艺流程比较选择







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