
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要







This design is a flotation/hydrolysis acidification / Biological contact oxidation of Engine release agent wastewater design. The main pollutants of Engine release agent wastewater consist of the wax, synthetic oil, colloidal graphite, silicone wax, emulsifier, polymer materials. For Engine release agent wastewater characteristics and practical engineering, the flotation/hydrolysis acidification / Biological contact oxidation process of flocculation, get good result. Effective removal of COD, BOD5 etc., water quality and achieve the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) is a standard.
The technology of processing core structures for hydrolysis acidification and contact oxidation pool, their treatment to wastewater treatment of the engine release agent plays a vital role, the treatment effect is also very obvious, stable water quality of effluent, the effluent discharge standards can be achieved.
Pool acid hydrolysis instead of the traditional primary sedimentation tank, the removal rate is much higher than the traditional primary sedimentation tank, and more importantly, after acidification, complex insoluble organic polymer in the sewage into the solubility of simple low molecular weight organic compounds, that is, raising wastewater BOD5/CODCr value to improve the biodegradability of wastewater classes. Students contact oxidation pool by using biological contact oxidation method, its characteristic is to set the packing in the tank, aeration tank bottom oxygenation of sewage, and the pool body sewage is flow state, to ensure full access to the sewage and wastewater in the packing, to avoid the defects of uneven water contact with the filler biological contact oxidation pool. The method of microbial oxygen supplied by aeration, biofilm growth to a certain thickness, microbial filler wall and anaerobic metabolism due to hypoxia, scouring effect of producing gas and aeration formation will cause the loss of biological membranes, and promote the growth of new biofilm, this time, detached biofilm with the water out of the pool.

This process combines flotation, hydrolysis, biological contact oxidation process.The treatment of Engine release agent wastewater using this technology can effectively remove a variety of organic pollutants in the pharmaceutical wastewater, and strong resistance to shock loading. At the same time the process is simple and greatly reduces the manual operation difficult, under the control of the PLC system, the operation more convenient.

Key words:Engine release agent wastewater;flotation;hydrolysis and acidification;Biological contact oxidation


前 言 1

1概述 2

1.1设计背景 2

1.2水质水量及处理要求 2

1.3工程设计依据及规范 2

1.4设计范围 3

1.5设计原则 3

2发动机脱模剂废水的来源和特点 5

2.1发动机脱模剂废水的来源 5

2.2发动机脱模剂废水的特点 5

2.3发动机脱模剂废水的危害 5

3 工艺方案分析 6

3.1发动机脱模剂废水概况 6

3.2目前发动机脱模剂废水的处理方法 6

3.2.1预处理 6

3.2.2生物处理技术 8

3.2.3物化处理 9

3.3目前处理发动机脱模剂废水几种工艺及比较 10

3.3.1好氧—好氧组合工艺 10

3.3.2厌氧—好氧组合工艺 10

3.3.3水解酸化—好氧组合工艺 10

3.3.4水解酸化—SBR组合工艺 11

3.3.5水解酸化—生物接触氧化组合工艺 11

3.4本工程工艺的选择 13

3.4.1工艺特点 13

4主要构筑物和设备计算说明 14

4.1隔油沉淀池 14

4.2曝气调节池 15

4.3一级反应池 17

4.4二级反应池 17

4.5水解酸化池 18

4.6生物接触氧化池 19

4.7终沉池 24

4.8清水池 26

4.9去除效果分析表 27

4.10污水处理构筑物污泥处理构筑物计算结果及说明 29

4.11主要土建建筑物和构筑物 31

5发动机脱模剂废水处理工艺总体布置 32

5.1平面布置及总平面图 32

5.1.1污水处理工艺设施组成 32

5.1.2平面布置的原则 32

5.1.3厂区平面布置形式 33

5.2发动机脱模剂废水处理工艺的高程布置 33

5.2.1废水处理工艺系统的高程布置遵循以下原则 33

5.2.2发动机脱模剂废水处理工艺高程布置应考虑事项 34

5.3水力计算表 37

5.4 污泥处理构筑物标高计算表 39

结论 40

致谢 41

参考文献 42

附录 43

前 言


发动机脱模剂废水主要是铸造厂房排出的,主要污染物为蜡、合成油脂、胶体石墨、硅酮蜡、乳化剂、高分子合成材料。这些成分一部分以不溶性或胶溶性形式悬浮于废水中。这 部分悬浮物中带有大量的COD、BOD5成分,首先应将其去除。但因乳化剂的存在,给固液分离带来困难,因此在固液分离前, 须采用破乳程序。脱模剂废水的成分复杂,含有多种水溶性有机物,且浓度较高,此类污染物气浮无法去除,宜采取生物法 将其进一步去除。脱模剂废水虽具有生物降解的基础能量,但缺乏微生物生长所必须的N、P等。厂区生活废水中含有丰富的 N、P等微生物营养元素,且单独处理成本相对较高。因此本方 案将两股废水合并处理,即解决了含油废水生化过程养分不足的问题又不需额外增加生活污水处理设施。故针对发动机脱模剂废水的特点和工程实际情况,本次设计采用气浮/水解酸化/生物接触氧化法的处理工艺对脱模剂废水进行有效处理,使污水经处理后达到国家《污水综合排放标准》 GB8978-96中的一级排放标准。

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