
 2021-04-12 10:04

摘 要



Process Design of the Second Water Plant in Changzhou Wujin Development Zone(60 thousand tons/day)


The daily amount of treatment capacity of the second water plant in Changzhou Wujin development zone is 60 thousand tons, with surface water as water source. In view of the raw water quality using conventional treatment process: Coagulation→ Sedimentation →Filtration →Disinfection. Normal processing structure of process plan using common linear layout, followed by the tubular static mixer, match well, folded plate flocculating advection sedimentation tank, v-shaped filter, clear water reserviors. Set a distribution well, its outer diameter is 6.6 m and its well height is 4.49 m. Set two folded-plate flocculating tanks which using a three-stage flocculation reaction. The flocculation pool is 10 m long, 8 m wide, 4.21 m high. Set two advection sedimentation tanks, the pool is 76 m long, 8 m wide, 3.7 m high. Every one set of 4 v-shaped filters is set to double v-type filter, sheet width 2.5 m, 11 m long. Set two clear water reservoirs, the length and width of single-seat pool are both 37 m, and the height is 4.5 m.The technology used in the water treatment should be advanced and reasonable, and stable and reliable, and can impact resistance load change at the same time. Energy-saving technology and reliable equipment can satisfy the demands of modern water management and reduce running cost at the same time. Accessory buildings and structures within the plant design is concise and lively, beautiful and easy, and harmony with the surrounding environment. After enrichment and squeezing treatment ,the waterworks sludge produced by production can reduce the sludge volume and reduce the cost later. Design of the water should satisfy the standard of drinking water, production water and other water.

Key words: water treatment; methods; the process flow; general arrangement

目 录

1 概述 1

1.1城市自然条件 1

1.1.1气象条件 1

1.1.2地理条件 1

1.1.3用水情况 1

1.2 太湖流域概述 2

1.2.1气候 2

1.2.2地貌 4

1.2.3地表水资源 5

1.2.4水文地质与地下水源 7

1.2.5流域社会经济概况 9

1.3设计任务 10

1.3.1供水规模 10

1.3.2供水水质及水压 10

1.3.3设计要求 11

1.4设计规范 12

2 工艺流程比选 13

2.1取水构筑物的类型及选择 13

2.2混合设备的类型及选择 13

2.3混凝剂的类型及选择 14

2.4絮凝设备的类型及选择 16

2.5沉淀工艺的类型及选择 17

2.6滤池的类型及选择 18

2.7消毒方法的类型及选择 19

2.8工艺流程布置设计 21

3 给水构筑物计算 22

3.1取水构筑物设计计算 22

3.1.1设计参数 22

3.1.2设计计算 22

3.2管式静态混合器设计计算 23

3.2.1设计参数 23

3.2.2设计计算 23

3.3配水井设计计算 24

3.3.1 设计参数 24

3.3.2设计计算 24

3.4折板絮凝池设计计算 26

3.4.1设计参数 26

3.4.2设计计算 27

3.5平流沉淀池设计计算 34

3.5.1设计参数 34

3.5.2设计计算 34

3.6 V型滤池设计计算 40

3.6.1设计参数 40

3.6.2设计计算 41

3.7加氯间设计 55

3.7.1设计参数 55

3.7.2设计计算 55

3.8清水池设计 56

3.8.1设计参数 56

3.8.2设计计算 57

3.9加药工艺及加药间设计计算 58

3.9.1设计参数 58

3.9.2设计计算 58

4 净水厂总体布置 61

4.1平面布置设计 61

4.2高程布置设计 61

4.2.1水头损失计算 61

4.2.2构筑物的高程计算 65

结 论 67

致 谢 69

参考文献 70

1 概述



该地区处于亚热带向暖温带的过渡区,气候温和,雨量适中,四季分明。 年平均气温13~16℃,夏季炎热多雨,温度常高达35℃左右,冬季空气湿润,气候阴冷。雨量充沛,年降雨量1000mm左右,春末夏初时多有梅雨发生。


武进位于长江三角洲太湖平原西北部,北纬31°19′~31°55′、东经119°38′~120°12′。濒太湖,衔滆湖(西太湖),东邻江阴、无锡,南接宜兴,西毗金坛、丹阳,北接常州城区、新北区,总面积1 246.6平方千米。境内平原宽广,地势低平,河网稠密。平原占总面积的99%,其中水域占总面积的27.4%,是典型的“江南水乡”。全区有耕地4.07万公顷。该地区地形平坦,地面标高21.00米。根据水资源勘测提供的资料,选定的取水口处百年一遇(1%)最高洪水位为5.08m,保证率97%的最枯水位为3.05m。



1.2 太湖流域概述




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