
 2021-04-12 10:04

摘 要



设计出水水质:BOD5≤6mg/L、COD≤50 mg/L、SS≤10mg/L、NH3-N≤5mg/L、pH=6-9。要求污水处理后达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)的一级A标准。



Nanjing Kangbo garden district wastewater recycling and waterscape engineering design


Our country have poor water resources.To give full play to the utilization of existing water resources, some cities have specified the relevant provisions of the water recycling, shower, washing, wash lightly polluted sewage after treatment for flushing toilets, washing, green.
Kangbo garden Park, Nanjing large-scale residential,green area of 50%, residential garden center has a water landscape, residential landscaping, water features supplement requires a lot of water added, due to the high cost of water, and does not comply with the water conservation requirements supporting the construction of the residential construction process wastewater reuse and rainwater utilization facilities, sewage and rainwater utilization.

Design water quality: BOD5 ≤ 6 mg / L, COD ≤ 50 mg / L, SS ≤ 10 mg / L, NH3-N ≤ 5 mg / L, pH = 6-9. Requirements of the sewage treatment reached the level of urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard (GB18918-2002) A standards.

Equipped according to the cell population and health facilities, to determine the scale of sewage treatment, and in accordance with the size of 50% reuse. Rainwater utilization scale scheme comparison OK. The design of wastewater reuse and rainwater use an integrated solution for comparison and selection, combined with investment in processing requirements, maintenance and management workload, running costs, such as a comprehensive economic and technical comparison.Determine the process water quality program to meet flush toilets,landscaping, road spray and other miscellaneous water requirements. Structures, process parameters, size and major equipment performance parameters, the number is determined by the engineering design process.

Key words: Residential area;Sewage;Waterscape engineering;Design and calculation


前言 1

1 绪论 1

1.1 水资源概况 1

1.1.1我国水资源概况 1

1.1.2国内外污水回用概况 1

1.2生活污水的来源及其特征 3

1.2.1 生活污水的来源 3

1.2.2 小区生活污水的特征 3

1.3 小区生活污水处理技术 5

1.4污水回用的常用途径 6

1.4.1 污水处理回用常用工艺 6

1.5 水景工程概况 7

1.5.1水景的类型 7

1.5.2生态型水景住宅的设计手法 7

2 设计水质与处理要求 9

2.1 原水水质和设计出水水质 9

2.1.1 小区原水水质 9

2.1.2 小区设计出水水质 10

2.2 处理要求 10

2.2.1 总体处理要求 11

2.2.2 主要构筑物处理要求 12

3 常见小区污水回用工艺比选与水景住宅设计 14

3.1 小区污水回用工艺比选 14

3.1.1 设计原则 14

3.1.2 常见污水回用方案 14

3.1.3 核心工艺综述比选 15

3.2 现代水景住宅设计 17

3.2.1水景住宅中水景的作用 17

3.2.2 生态小区内水景的价值 18

3.2.3 水景的分类 18

3.2.4 水景设计注意的问题 21

4小区污水回用工程设计 23

4.1 项目概况 23

4.2 设计依据与设计要求 23

4.2.1设计依据 23

4.2.2 设计要求 23

4.3 工艺流程概述 23

4.3.1 处理方案选择 23

4.3.2 工艺特点 24

4.4 水量的确定 24

4.4.1 处理水量的设计计算 24

4.4.2 中水用水量计算 25

4.4.3 水量平衡分析 26

4.5 主要处理构筑物的设计计算 26

4.5.1 格栅的设计计算 26

4.5.2污水提升泵选择 29

4.5.3 曝气调节池 29

4.5.4 接触氧化主反应池的设计计算 31

4.5.5贮水池 35

4.5.6人工湿地 36

4.5.7清水贮水池 38

5.1 平面布置 40

5.1.1布置原则 40

5.1.2平面布置 40

5.2 高程布置 40

5.2.1布置原则 40

5.2.2高程布置 41

6 主要构筑物和设备参数 42

6.1 主要构筑物 42

6.2 主要设备参数 42

7工程费用及效益分析 44

7.1 工程费用概算 44

7.1.1间接费用 44

7.1.2直接费用 44

7.1.3直接运营费用 45

7.2 效益分析 46

7.2.1环境效益 46

7.2.2经济效益 46

7.2.3社会效益 46

结论 47

致谢 48

参考文献 49

附录 50




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