
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要





Process Design of Production Wastewater Treatment for Henan Tianguan Fuel Ethanol Ltd.


With the fast development of economy, energy is becoming the key factor which restricts the development of the economy. Fuel ethanol, as a kind of green renewable resources, is gradually applied in industrial production and daily life, which is called the most potential alternative non-renewable energy.

With the expansion of the fuel ethanol production scale, however, the amount of waste water produced is also soared. The raw materials to produce fuel ethanol, including sweet sorghum, corn, cassava, seaweed, sugar, bitter with the tree, etc., the main production process is fermentation, through hydrolysis, fermentation materials will be made into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides resulting in ethanol. So there is large amount of organic matter such as carbohydrate, lipid, protein, if the fuel ethanol production in fuel ethanol production wastewater.

The high concentration wastewater treated by the grid - grit chamber - basin - UASB reactor, after anaerobic treatment of high concentration wastewater can be biochemical, aerobic treatment and then enter the SBR pool, low concentration wastewater after grille directly into SBR pool for aerobic treatment, on the premise of guarantee the water effect, this way can reduce the volume of UASB reactor and other structures, reduce cover an area of an area, so as to make the low cost of investment, the running effect is good.

Key words: Fuel ethanol production wastewater; Processing; UASB

目 录

前 言 1

1 设计概述 2

1.1 设计背景 2

1.2 设计范围 2

1.3 设计原则 2

1.4 工艺设计依据及规范 3

2 污水水质特性 3

2.1 污水来源和分类 4

2.2 污水水量水质 4

2.3 出水水质要求 4

2.4 污水污染特性 4

3 污水处理工艺方案分析 5

3.1 主要技术资料分析 6

3.1.1 厌氧生物处理技术 6

3.1.2 升流式厌氧污泥床UASB 9

3.1.3 好氧生物处理技术 10

3.1.4 SBR反应器 11

3.2 污水处理工艺确定 13

3.3 污水处理工艺流程的选择及说明 13

3.3.1 工艺流程 13

3.2.2 工艺流程说明 14

4 污水处理工艺设计计算 15

4.1 主要构筑物设计计算 15

4.1.1 格栅 15

4.1.2 初沉池 19

4.1.3 调节池 21

4.1.4 UASB反应器 22

4.1.5 预曝池 28

4.1.6 调节沉淀池 33

4.1.7 SBR池 35

4.1.8 污泥浓缩池 39

4.1.9 污泥泵房 42

4.1.10 贮泥井 42

4.2 各构筑物去除率分析 43

4.3 主要处理构筑物设备说明 44

5 污水处理站总体布置 46

5.1平面布置总平面图 46

5.2平面布置原则 46

5.3平面布置形式 47

5.4高程布置方法 48

5.5高程布置注意事项 48

5.6高程计算 49

结 论 52

致 谢 53

参考文献 54

附录 55

前 言


目前国内外对燃料乙醇生产废水的处理工艺主要采用厌氧 好氧的组合处理方式进行处理,其中厌氧处理方法利用厌氧性微生物的代谢特性,在毋需提供外源能量的条件下,以被还原有机物作为受氢体,同时产生有能源价值的甲烷气体,污泥量少,是一种节能低耗的处理方法,但出水中仍存在BOD和COD,必须再经好氧处理才能排放,其适用于高浓度的燃料乙醇生产废水,可提高其可生化性。好氧处理方法包括活性污泥法和生物膜法及其变形工艺,利用好氧微生物的生物凝聚、吸附和氧化作用,将燃料乙醇废水中的可降解有机物降解为无机物,出水可达到排放标准。

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