
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要



关键词: 污水处理厂;A2/O工艺;污泥处理


The content of this design is the design of town sewage treatment plant in Hubei Province, sewage effluent using a standard B. On the basis of the quality of the sewage, water and the receiving water environmental capacity and other related documents, must be two experiences can remove organic pollutants to reach the discharge standard, and protect environment, through comparing the two scheme design using the A2/O process, the process can be in the system known as the simultaneous removal of N in P process the most simple, the total hydraulic retention time is less than other similar technology, in anaerobic (hypoxia), aerobic running spare parts, no sludge bulking, sludge has good efficiency and other advantages, and the sludge is stable, the sludge was concentrated after dehydration of mud cake Sinotrans and reduce environmental pollution.

Water through the grille, advection sedimentation tank, the radial flow of primary settling tank, A2/O, radial flow sedimentation tank, two structures to make the pollutant is effectively removed, and the sludge in the sludge storage tank by the concentration, dehydration, drying after processing to achieve the stabilization, reduction, harmless, comprehensive utilization, so as to achieve the purpose of protect environment for the purpose of.

Keywords :A2/O process; sewage treatment plant; sludge treat


1 绪论 1

1.1设计概况 1

1.1.1设计题目 1

1.1.2 设计依据 1

1.2 水文地理条件 1

1.2.1水文 1

1.2.2工程地质资料 1

1.3设计水量 1

1.3.2设计规模 1

1.3.3进水水质 1

1.3.4其他 2

1.3.5去除率 2

2 乡镇污水处理方案的确定 4

2.1确定处理方案的原则 4

2.2水处理方案的确定 4

2.2.1 处理标准的确定 4

2.2.2污水处理方案的选择 4

2.3 主要构筑物的选择 5

2.3.1 格栅 5

2.3.2 进水闸井 5

2.3.3 污水泵房 5

2.3.4沉砂池 7

2.3.5沉淀池(二沉池) 7

2.3.7 消毒 11

2.3.8 浓缩池 11

2.3.9污泥脱水 11

3 城市污水处理系统的设计 12

3.1 中格栅的设计 13

3.2 污水泵房的设计 16

3.2.1 一般规定 17

3.2.2 选泵 17

3.2.3 吸、压水管路实际水头损失的计算 18

3.2.4 集水池 19

3.3细格栅的设计计算 20

3.4 平流沉砂池 22

3.4.1沉砂池 23

3.4.2 平流沉砂池的设计 23

3.5初次沉淀池 25

3.5.1设计据数 26

3.5.2设计计算 26

3.5.3排泥井 28

3.6 AA/O的设计 29

3.6.1.生物脱氮原理 29

3.6.2. 设计依据 30

3.6.3. 设计参数: 30

3.6.4.设计计算 31

3.7二次沉淀池的设计 39

3.7.1设计数据 39

3.7.2设计计算 40

3.7.3吸泥设备的选择: 41

3.7.4沉淀池进水管路的计算: 42

3.7.5 拦浮渣设施及出水堰计算 43

3.8 消毒 46

3.9 接触池 46

3.10计量槽 48

3.10.1设计参数 48

3.10.2设计计算 48

4 污泥系统处理工艺设计 51

4.1 工艺流程的选择 51

4.1.1概述 51

4.1.2处理工艺流程选择 51

4.2 回流污泥泵房 51

4.2.1回流污泥量的计算 51

4.2.2污泥提升设备的选择及设计 51

4.3污泥处理构筑物的设计计算 52

4.3.1污泥浓缩处理 52

4.3.2污间泥脱水 52

5 污水厂总体布置 54

5.1 概述 54

5.2 平面布置 54

5.2.1 平面布置的一般原则 54

5.2.2 厂区平面布置形式 54

5.3污水厂高程布置 54

5.3.1污水处理厂高程布置考虑事项 55

5.3.2污水厂的高程布置 55

5.3.3水区、泥区各构筑物间的确定 55

总结 59

致谢 60

参考文献 61





1.1.2 设计依据


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