
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要





As one of the water fountain Park landscaping techniques for Haian Dongzhou Park Central Square, landscape can strengthen the Dongzhou Park, enrich the city's cultural outlook, also can increase the air humidity, reduce dust, greatly improve the content of negative oxygen ions in the air, is conducive to improve the quality of the environment, improve the people's physical and mental health. Fountain design as Dongzhou Park dotting the landscape, can be an excellent way to fit the culture and history of the city, and has good practical significance.

This graduation project is the century public square fountain project design on Haian of Jiangsu province. This graduation project put stress on utilizes at the moment the fountain water mould which was in common use , unites the environment in century culture public square vicinity , and is underway that the water mould compose and rightful fixing up ,moreover utilizes relevant information and the calculation rule of hydraulics , unite the demand that fountain all pipelines was build up reasonably working out the reservoir , channel , dimensions of trough , and choosing the appropriate water pump type . Being living , the design scheme Chinese Party designs 349 in shower nozzle ; The electrical machinery is total to 252 on different lights and 22 water pumps ; It is various that the design changes water mould amount to the technique such as drive and computer control and so on that the fountain was used the most well-developed domestic programmable .

Key words: water type of fountain;fountain nozzle;choosing water pump;landscape


前言 1

1 水型介绍 2

1.1 水型A 2

1.2 水型B 2

1.3 水型C 2

1.4 水型D 2

1.5 水型E 3

1.6 水型F 3

2 设计说明 4

2.1计算说明 4

2.1.1 水型A 4

2.1.2 水型B 6

2.1.3 水型C 9

2.1.4 水型D 11

2.1.5 水型E 14

2.1.6 水型F 16

2.1.7 水池总循环水量校核 19

2.2 技术要求 20

2.2.1 各配件技术要求 20

2.2.2 电器控制系统安全措施 21

2.2.3 防冻和水体防污染措施 21

2.3 施工方法和技术措施 21

2.3.1 基地加工 21

2.3.2 现场施工 22

2.3.3 技术措施 22

2.4 水泵简介 23

2.4.1 水泵的分类 23

2.4.2 水泵型号规格的选择 25

3 工程量清单 26

4 工程量估算 27

结论 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

附录 31


海安县位于江苏省东部的苏中地区,南通、盐城、泰州三市交界处。东临黄海,南望长江,是苏中水陆交通要冲。春秋较短,冬夏较长,气候温和,雨水充沛,河道成网,物产丰富,鱼米之乡。 素质优良,装备先进的建筑队伍遍及全国,走向世界,被誉为“建筑之乡”。 近年来,海安的产业基础更趋完备,经济板块特色鲜明,已由原来的传统农业、一般加工业为主向高端制造业、高新技术产业转变。


1 水型介绍

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