
 2021-04-12 10:04

摘 要


给水系统采用分区供水:将该建筑竖向分为3个区,低区为-1-3层,由市政管网直接供水;中区为4-11层,高区为12-18层,均由地下一层变频调速泵组供水。系统中共设置5 根给水立管,生活水池置于地下室内,容积为39m3

排水系统采用的是污、废合流制,设专用通气立管。系统中共设置了82 根排水立管,其中四层单排共设39根立管,五层及以上共设40根立管。

消防系统设计包括消火栓灭火系统和自动喷水灭火系统,火灾初期10min的水由消防水箱供给,消防水箱水由单独立管供给,体积为18 m3,火灾持续时间内消防用水量由消火栓泵从消防水池内抽取,体积为201.6m3 。自动喷水灭火系统采用闭湿式自喷系统,根据报警阀组控制的喷头数的有关规定设置一个湿式报警阀,湿式报警阀装在地下一层泵房内,有压力开关自动启动喷淋水泵。采用45度的玻璃球喷头与边墙型洒水喷头。



Handan Honghai building (18 floor) to the drainage design


This design is Handan Honghai 18 storey complex building water supply and drainage design, mainly including water supply system, drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system in four parts.

Water supply system using zoning water supply: the building is vertically divided into three area and low area for -1-3 layers, by the municipal water supply pipe network directly; central 4-11 layer, high for 12-18 layers and by underground a layer of variable frequency speed regulation pump water. The system of the CPC set up 5 water supply riser, the living water tank in the basement volume of 39m3.

The drainage system adopts sewage and waste combined system, and is designed for special ventilation.. The system has 86 drainage tubes..

Fire protection system design, including fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, 10 min in the early years of the fire water is supplied by the fire water tank, fire water tank by a single independent supply pipe, Volume 18 m3, fire last time fire water fire hydrant pump water from the the fire water extraction, the volume of 201.6m3. Automatic sprinkler system uses closed wet sprinkler system. According to the alarm control the nozzle valve block number of the relevant provisions of the total wet alarm valve, wet alarm valve installed in the underground pumping station, pressure switch automatically start the spray pump. 45 degree glass ball nozzle and sidewall sprinkler nozzle.

This design has completed the system plan, the plane layout and the calculation, and the choice of various equipment. Finally, using CAD to draw the layout of eachsystem, system diagram, design drawings and instructions.

Keywords: building drainage design, water supply system, drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system

目 录

1 设计任务及设计资料 1

2 设计说明书 2

2.1 室内给水工程 2

2.1.1 系统的选择 2

2.1.2 系统的组成 2

2.1.3 主要设备及构筑物 2

2.2 消火栓系统 3

2.2.1 系统的选择 3

2.2.2 系统的组成 3

2.1.3 主要设备及构筑物 3

2.3 自动喷淋系统 4

2.3.1 系统的选择 4

2.3.2 系统的组成 4

2.3.3 主要设备及构筑物 4

2.4 室内排水工程 5

2.4.1 系统的选择 5

2.4.2 系统的组成 5

3 设计计算书 6

3.1 室内给水系统的计算 6

3.1.1 给水用水定额及时变化系数 6

3.1.2 最高日用水量、最高日最大时用水量 6

3.1.3 设计秒流量按公式 6

3.1.5 室内所需的压力 7

3.1.6 地下室加压水泵的选择 14

3.2 消火栓给水系统计算 15

3.2.1 消火栓的布置 15

3.2.2 水枪喷嘴处所需的水压 16

3.2.3 水枪喷嘴的出流量 16

3.2.4 水带阻力 16

3.2.5 消火栓口所需的水压 17

3.2.6 水力计算 17

3.2.7 水泵接合器 19

3.2.8 消防水泵选型 19

3.2.9 贮水池 19

3.3 自动喷淋系统计算 20

3.3.1 水力计算 20

3.3.2 自动喷水泵选型 21

3.3.4 消防水箱 22

3.4 室内排水系统的计算 22

3.4.1 水力计算 22

结 论 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32

1 设计任务及设计资料



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