
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要


室内给水系统采用分区给水方式,1层至5层为低区,由市政给水管网直接供水;6至15层为中区,16到25层为高区,中区和高区均由变频调速泵供水。中区水泵的流量为18m3/h,扬程为55.5m,高区水泵流量为18m3/h,扬程为92.5m。生活水池位于地下二层有效容积为36.8m3 给水管道立管及阀门井中管道采用给水铸铁管,进入户后均采用塑料(PP-R)给水管。





The water-supply and drainage engineering of 25-storey residential in Shijiazhuang


This project is the water-supply and drainage engineering of Shijiazhuang in Hebei province.It includes the design of Water supply-system、Sewerage system、Fire hydrant water supply system and The automatic sprinkler system.

The interior water-supply system adopt the way of subregion,the 1-5th floor is the low district,the source is the municipal water-supply net-work.The 6-15th floor is the middle district,The16-25 floor is the high district ,which source is frequency control of motor speed pump.The pumps have 18m3/h flow and 55.5m head in middle district. The pumps have 18m3/h flow and 92.5m head in high district. Life pool effective volume is 36.8m3 on the second floor underground. Water supply pipe riser and the valve shaft pipe used in seamless steel water supply pipe, after entering families adopt plastic (pp-r) service pipe .

The sewerage system uses the sewage and the waste water separate-sewage system.Life waste water discharged into municipal drainage pipe network, sewage by the residential area sewage treatment facilities back into the municipal sewage pipe network.Cross drainage branch pipe is UPVC pipes, drainage main using cast iron drainage tube.Sewage and waste water stand pipe riser are vent to each other in toilet. The kitchen waste water riser’s ventilation with specific vent stack .

The fire water-supply system adopt temporary high-pressure system.A total of six fire hydrant riser, and each layer has six fire hydrant.Fire water tank has a capacity of 22.5m3 and connect two the ground type SQ100 pump adapter.The volume of the fire pool for 97.5m3

The automatic sprinkler system is wet automatic sprinkler system and connect two pump adapter.The automatic sprinkler system installed in the basement and the second floor underground.Its water supply from the municipal and the roof water tank.

Keyword:25-storey residential;Water supply-system;Sewerage system;Fire hydrant water supply system;The automatic sprinkler system


1设计说明 1

1.1设计基本资料 1

1.2设计任务 1

1.3设计依据 1

1.4设计成果 2

1.5设计方案说明 2

1.5.1给水系统的选择 2

1.5.2排水系统的选择 2

1.5.3消火栓给水系统的选择 2

1.5.4自动喷水灭火系统的选择 3

1.6 高层建筑给水排水工程设计方法 3

1.7高层建筑给水排水设计的主要内容 4

2给水计算 5

2.1计算原理依据 5

2.2给水设计计算 5

2.2.1给水用水定额及时变化系数 5

2.2.2最高日生活用水 5

2.2.3最高日最大时用水量 5

2.2.4设计秒流量 5

2.2.5楼层引入管的计算 13

2.2.6给水水压校核与计算 13

2.2.7给水水泵的选择 14

2.2.8生活贮水池容积计算 15

3排水计算 16

3.1计算原理依据 16

3.1.1设计依据 16

3.1.2基本计算公式 16

3.2排水管的水力计算 16

3.2.1横支管的水力计算: 16

3.2.2立管的水力计算 21

4室内消火栓给水系统计算 23

4.1计算原理依据 23

4.1.1设计依据 23

4.1.2设计基本公式 23

4.2消火栓的布置 24

4.3水枪喷嘴处所需水压 24

4.4充实水柱长度Hm 24

4.5水带阻力 24

4.6消火栓口所需的压力 25

4.7水力计算 25

4.7.1消防水池容积计算 25

4.7.2水枪射流计算 25

4.7.3消火栓水泵供水工况计算 26

4.7.4消防水箱供水工况计算 28

4.7.5消火栓减压装置计算 28

5自动喷水灭火系统计算 30

5.1设计参数的选择 30

5.2水力计算 30

5.2.1最不利管路水力计算 30

结 论 33

致 谢 34

参考文献 35



本毕业论文题目来源于河北众凯房地产开发集团有限公司众美凤凰绿都高层住宅项目部,该项目为一类高层住宅楼,地下二层,地上二十五层,屋顶突出部分为楼梯间、电梯机房、水箱间。地下2层为戊类储藏室,地下1层为戊类储藏间,1~24层均为住宅。建筑层高:地下1层、2层均为3.10米,地上部分层高为2.90米,电梯、前室、楼梯间突出屋面4.8米。总建筑面积13968.84m2,地下建筑面积1084.02m2,地上建筑面积12798.5m2, 建筑高度73.50m。建筑结构形式:钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构,设计使用年限:3类(50年),抗震设防烈度:7度。建筑耐火等级地上一级,地下一级。建筑物周围有完善的城市给水管网和排水管网,给水管网提供的压力为280kPa。




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